2011 m. balandžio 20 d., trečiadienis

Top 3 happiest countries

Today I’m going to speak about the top 3 happiest countries in the world. There are many ways of ranking the happiest countries, but I chose to talk about 2 ways.

First of all, I would like to mention the top 3 happiest countries according to their subjective well being. First one is Puerto Rico. This result surprised me, but I believe it might be truth. Second place is Mexico and the third place is Denmark. Denmark is one of the happiest countries in all the lists, so I believe this result reflects the happiness of people living in Denmark.

What is more, I would like to talk about the other list of the happiest countries in the world. In this list Denmark takes the first place, as the happiest country in the world. It is a rich country and the living conditions are great in this country so it is not surprising that people there are very happy. Moreover, Switzerland takes the second place in this list. This cheese and chocolate producing land is the world’s 10th richest country. Furthermore, Austria takes the third place in this list. Austria is a rich country too and what is interesting about this country is that Austria is one of the few countries in the world that allows legal voting beginning from age 16.

One more thing that I would like to talk about is a research about the age of happy people. It is generally thought that young people are happier that old people. According to this research that is not true. They are saying that life starts from forty and that older people are much happier that the young ones.

All in all, I would like to say that we should not feel bad about not living in the happiest country in the world. I would rather suggest everyone to try and make our country happier by smiling and spreading a good mood everywhere.


Stress Busters


There are a lot of ways to deal with stress that people experience every day.

Firstly, some people suggest writing and although it might not sound like the best way to relax it is very absorbing and it helps to forget the outside world.  What is more, a trip outside the city or a walk on a beach at night might help to reduce daily stresses too.

Moreover, there is another way to reduce daily stresses. It is very helpful to keep business and personal lives separate. If a person can do that, than nothing else has to be done to relax after work.

Furthermore, it is very good to find some domestic tasks to do. It helps to forget stresses at work. Besides, sports are very helpful too, especially group events or yoga.
The last way that can help to deal with stress is cooking a nice meal at home.

All in all, there are a lot of different ways to deal with stress that people feel everyday and it does not matter which way a person uses, the important thing is that it helps.


Today I’m going to speak about the stress test that I have done. It measured my stress level.

Firstly, I would like to say few words about the test. It measured emotional well being, how happy I am with my life, if I have any symptoms of depression or anxiety, and my level of functioning. It is important to mention, that the scale was from 1 to 5. 5 points representing lowest stress level, good adjustment.

What is more, I believe that these results reflected my current stress level.  I got 4,56 points from the overall emotional well being.

Moreover, I can easily say that I am happy and satisfied with my life, from this aspect I got 4,4 points. I agree with this result, because I feel good about my life at this moment, I enjoy being a student, I’m interested in my studies, I feel that I am in the right place.

Furthermore, test was measuring symptoms of depression and anxiety. I got 4,65 points from this aspect and that means that I almost have no symptoms of depression or anxiety. I believe, that this result is correct, although I might not be in the best mood these days, I could never call this depression.

The last aspect that I should mention is level of functioning. I got 4.75 points from it. I believe that this number of points is very high and I agree with this result. I can easily say that I am able to get along in the community well.

All in all, I would like to say that I am satisfied with the result that I have got and I believe that it reflected my stress level.


2011 m. balandžio 1 d., penktadienis

Personality tests

Today I’m going to speak about two personality tests that I have done. I will try to analyze the results and compare them with my view of my personality.

First of all, I would like to say few words about the tests that I have done. The first one was Jung’s personality test. It shows four aspects: EXTRAVERSION, SENSING, FEELING, JUDGING. Second one was the “Big 5” test.

What is more, I should say that the results didn’t surprise me. I got the biggest number of points from EXTRAVERSION ( almost the same numbers from both tests)  completely agree with this result, because I enjoy being with other people, I feel good in a big group of people, I can call myself outgoing and sociable.

Furthermore, other aspect that was similar in both tests was FEELING or AGREEABLENESS. I got 50 and 79. According to the test results I consider feelings of others. I want to agree with this result, because I believe that this is a very important quality for a psychologist, although I can say, that I sometimes do, and just afterwards think. So I am not sure about this result.

Moreover, I’m quite happy about the result of CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. I got 64 points from it. I believe that I can be well organized and reliable when needed.

On the other hand, I was surprised about the result that I got from OPENESS TO EXPERIENCE. It was just 47. I would easily say that I seek out new experience. I really love trying out new things, so I wouldn’t agree with this result.

What is more, I would completely agree with the result that I got from NEUROTICISM ( 11 points). Besides, I got the same number of points from JUDGING. I believe this result reflects my personality, because I could say that I am tolerant.

All in all, I can say that I am happy about my results, I think most of them reflects my personality, besides, both tests had few similar aspects and the results were similar, so I could say, that these tests are quite reliable.


Psychology of the anxiety

Today I am going to speak about anxiety that people go thru while learning a foreign language. Sometimes it feels like some people just speak foreign language as if it was their mother language, while others are facing a lot of anxiety and fear. So why is that?

First of all, I strongly believe that people who feel anxiety and fear when they have to speak in a foreign language don’t feel confident, they fear their accent or they are afraid they might make some mistakes while speaking. So I think that the first cause of the foreign language anxiety is that people don’t feel good about there abilities to speak in a foreign language.

What is more, I should say that it is very difficult to speak if you don’t have a good environment to practice. Practicing and talking or listening to a foreign language is very important. If a person doesn’t have a chance to talk in a foreign language, he can never get over the fear of making some mistakes.

Moreover, many people feel anxiety when speaking a foreign language because of the audience. When a person feels good in front of the audience, or the people who are listening to him are supportive and friendly fear and anxiety might partly go away.

All in all, I would like to come back to the question that I mentioned in the beginning, and I should say, that there isn’t just one reason why some people feel anxiety and others just don’t , but I believe that one of the most important thing is self confidence. It helps to feel strong and not to be afraid do make some mistakes.

Giving Entire Cultures a Personality Test


There are a lot of different stereotypes made up to describe different nations and personality traits that they have.

What is more, the study was made to determine most common personality characteristics that people could name when talking about their own nation. Fifty different cultures were involved in the study. People were administrated the Revised NEO Personality Inventory test that helped to determine national character.

Furthermore, clear conclusions were made from the study. Research showed that people from a given culture had not had any problem in describing intercultural national character. Although national character did not quite fit the stereotype that most people have about certain countries.

All in all, it is clear that people within the culture might see different personality characteristics that best describe that nation, than people from other cultures.

English language invasion


Many people in China and France are concerned with the English language invasion. French and Chinese people are worried that English words are being used everywhere and that English language is making national languages impure.

Moreover, English language is used a lot, especially in international names and terms. Some Chinese suggest translating every word, while others say that translation might cause some confusion. French suggest that English text should come with a French translation.

What is more, there are many English words being used not just in some terms or names of the companies but during everyday conversations as well. This fact makes non-English speaking nations worried too.

Furthermore, government and politicians are trying to make a difference. Just 20 foreign movies are allowed to be screened in Chinese cinema, besides many social network and other popular internet pages are banned in China. French politicians are taking a bit different way. They are trying to use as much French language as possible.

All in all, there are many ways to fight the English language invasion, but at the same time there are some people who are calling this foreign words use a positive sign of cultural exchange.

The Telegraph “Chinese language damaged by invasion of English words”
The Telegraph “English invasion threatens French language more than Nazis did”