Many people in China and France are concerned with the English language invasion. French and Chinese people are worried that English words are being used everywhere and that English language is making national languages impure.
Moreover, English language is used a lot, especially in international names and terms. Some Chinese suggest translating every word, while others say that translation might cause some confusion. French suggest that English text should come with a French translation.
What is more, there are many English words being used not just in some terms or names of the companies but during everyday conversations as well. This fact makes non-English speaking nations worried too.
Furthermore, government and politicians are trying to make a difference. Just 20 foreign movies are allowed to be screened in Chinese cinema, besides many social network and other popular internet pages are banned in China. French politicians are taking a bit different way. They are trying to use as much French language as possible.
All in all, there are many ways to fight the English language invasion, but at the same time there are some people who are calling this foreign words use a positive sign of cultural exchange.
The Telegraph “Chinese language damaged by invasion of English words”
The Telegraph “English invasion threatens French language more than Nazis did”
We must stand up! And fight for freedom of our language!!! Or maybe not...
AtsakytiPanaikintijoke...maybe :D
AtsakytiPanaikintiWell yeah, but no..